Introduce Yourself : Tokyo-based American screenwriter by David Chester

David Chester

Tokyo-based American screenwriter

Hello all. I'm originally from L.A. I moved to Tokyo as a musician/songwriter 26 years ago, and discovered that I was actually a screenwriter, waiting to blossom. I now have 6 commissioned screenplays, 3 have been produced, 1 is about to go into production, 1 is on Netflix and one is on Amazon Prime. I write female-driven dramas about dysfunctional families. I have also written and produced four short films, one which has earned several top awards at international festivals.

Am actively seeking representation and eager to meet other writers who are serious about their craft. Am currently enjoying THE GOOD PLACE and polishing a sitcom based on my friend's book. Have never experienced writer's block, and have cleaned the entire kitchen in avoidance of sitting down to the blank page. But I get to it. Eventually :)

Felix Agyeman Boahen

I love to hear that line; '' and discovered that I was actually a screenwriter, waiting to blossom".

We never knew we were until now; I remember when I was a child, my friends and I used to gather around and tell stories to ourselves, hoping to find the one who has the greatest and intriguing story among us, like that of GEOFFERY CHAUCER'S masterpiece; THE CANTERBURY TALES.

At my turn, I always create out something crazier, something fascinating, something non has ever heard before even myself and takes all the applause. At that time I thought I was a liar as they said, but today I've realised I wasn't a liar but a storyteller instead.

Cliff Yates

Bravo! Thanks for sharing your inspiring story!

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