Filmmaking / Directing : That Masterclass Thing by Christopher Von Grebe

Christopher Von Grebe

That Masterclass Thing

Gotta say, I've done a ton of filmmaking/directing classes in various formats (and you all have too), but the Ron Howard MasterClass is rockin my socks off.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Debbie Croysdale

@Christopher Yeah Ron Howard is cool and what I like about his class is he has “options” in staging delivery for “different time slots”. Eg A big budget has much more time to allow for exploration/experiment in rehearsals. Small budget rehearsals require blocking etc to be spot on, almost straight away. Another good teacher on masterclass is Jodie Foster and off course Martin Scorsese. I could not get to see Martin in real life, that is why I got masterclass. Masterclass is cool cos I have friends who like other stuff so they can watch it at mine Eg Cooking.

Grace Bjarnson

Nice to know. I've been hesitant to do these classes, not wanting to buy something just because of a name. Glad to know there is some substance in them.

Dan MaxXx

I had the all-access membership last year. The production quality of all the videos is amazing.

Debbie Croysdale

Yeah @Dan is right. The quality of videos is cool. Also with Masterclass there are other slices of life to hone in on, that you might not have though of previously. Something new suddenly hits you in the face, not connected with our business. You can chill with masterclass in other zones.

Chris Bournea

I agree, I just wish it were a bit more concise. A few too many modules for time-crunched folk, but high quality.

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