Introduce Yourself : Hi I'm Benjamin James by Benjamin James

Hi I'm Benjamin James

I'm an Australian actor that sold everything I had and moved to Nth America to follow my dreams of acting. I came to Toronto networked my arse off, taking acting classes both privet and class. I studied at The Second City for a couple of years and was lucky enough to get my PR card in Dec 2018. I was picked up by an agency in January 2019 and booked my first gig in Feb. I feel that me getting to where I am has been a lot of luck but others tell me that they have seen me work hard for what I wanted and for may years and when I look back it's been a tough road but one that I have enjoyed very much. This is a link to my Demo Reel -

Having Covid get in the way of being able to work more this year, didn't stop me from keeping that drive going! If you want it keep at it, there is always things to do, even if it's just reading scripts and performing them to yourself and filming them to watch back you will always find things you didn't know you do.

Instagram: @realbenjames

Adrienne Gittus

Good for you for never giving up!

Sandeep Sharma

Benjamin James that is a really inspiring Introduce Yourself!

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