Introduce Yourself : Always looking to collaborate with others on the next big project ;-) by Steve DeWinter

Steve DeWinter

Always looking to collaborate with others on the next big project ;-)

After six solid months, and countless hours of butt-in-chair, Elf Trouble, an InterACTIVE Audio Adventure, was released yesterday into the wild and I can finally poke my head out of the hole I've been in while developing and producing the story. With 6 hours of original content, 30+ songs, and over 400 interactive choices, this is truly a Christmas wonder to behold.

Amanda Toney

Steve! Congratulations, what an exciting accomplishment! Do you remember what fresh air feels like now that your baby is released in the wild? ;)

Steve DeWinter

Thanks Amanda. Ahh, the freedom to... wait! On to the next project (head back down)

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