Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter | Actor | Freelance Writer/Author by Tim Wesemann

Tim Wesemann

Screenwriter | Actor | Freelance Writer/Author

Hi, all.  While I turned the corner onto this film road later in life it was my original goal when I graduated from college a very long time ago, majoring in Communications--Theatre and Broadcasting, to write for movies or TV.  The last 21 years I've been working as a full-time as a  freelance writer, author, and speaker.  Three years ago I started back into acting classes and an 18 month screenwriting mentorship.  I love it!  Things have been going well and I'm jumping in feet first since I'm late to the game.. I'm so glad to be a part of Stage32. I'm working on filming a series of shorts at this time.

Jessica O'Donnell

Hi Tim. I came into all of this - screenwriting, story analysis, acting, voice acting, late in life also. I feel like I've done more with this in the last 3 years (that's all it's been) than I've done in my two prior career paths that are unrelated to all this.

Tim Wesemann

I'm so sorry, Jessica. I just saw this. Thank you for sharing your story and encouragement!

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