Screenwriting : Science Fiction, screenwriting, critique group! by Laurie Gabriel

Laurie Gabriel

Science Fiction, screenwriting, critique group!

Seeking, like-minded, individuals to join me in creating a critique group. Those interested will submit a 5-10 page sample of his/her writing (to make sure we all like what we read and are about the same in writing skill), be able to critique (use clarifying questions rather than blanket statements, be interested in helping the other person be a better writer and follow through each week with feedback, etc.) and are available to be in a weekly, virtual chat, Those interested, please D.M. I love writing dark, edgy sci-fi and dramas and would love to be a part of a group who enjoys writing this genre/tone as well!

Martin Reese

Great idea!

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Laurie Gabriel. I write Sci-Fi. I'm tied up with some projects, but maybe I'll join the group in the future. I'll look out for future updates.

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