Screenwriting : Contacted via Stage32 - Seeking $3000 by GJ Harvey

GJ Harvey

Contacted via Stage32 - Seeking $3000

Anyone else been contacted on this site by a producer offering to get your project produced with the caveat , "...and note that my services comes with a collaboration fee of $3000"?

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

No me. But just respond that if he's any kind of confident he can have $6k on the back end instead.

Hanna Strauss

Do you recall the name of this individual? Just in case...

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

Yes, I posted about this a few weeks ago. Never pay anybody to work with you.

GJ Harvey

Hanna Strauss Don't really want to publically out anyone, but you'll recognize such an approach in a heartbeat.

Lyndon Booth

Yes, I did! Asked him to take a cut when he secured the financing and he asked for $1.5k instead...

Christiane Lange

@Lyndon That's hilarious!

Rosalind Winton

Some people have high hopes lol.

Phillip E. Hardy, Prolifique

PS, The person that solicited me has been suspended by S32.

Jim Boston

Hanna and Greg, I don't mind outing him.

His name is Richard Kelly...and he gave me the same exact spiel.

And no...I didn't pay him one single cent. (And I don't intend to!)

Karmelina Moore

Smells like a scam.

Maurice Vaughan

I was contacted by the same person.

Molly Peck

Hey everyone! If you've been contacted by anyone asking for this type of thing, please screenshot it and send it to

Lisa Lee

I also was contacted this person. It felt scammy to me, but I had to research to make sure. I have no experience in getting things produced and some of the things I read did discuss a producer getting a cut...

As a screenwriter, I haven't found a ton of useful info about what steps to take to get my work filmed, besides directing it myself or entering it into contests. It's murky waters, so I'm glad so many people on here post about suspicious activity.

Maurice Vaughan

Ok, Molly.

Karmelina Moore

@Lisa Lee Yes, the in the middle part is always difficult. The pitch sessions on here are something I want to try, it seems like a better option than festivals.

Maurice Vaughan

The pitch sessions are great, Karmelina. I'm waiting for feedback from a session.

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