Introduce Yourself : Hello again! by Joseph Murillo

Joseph Murillo

Hello again!

This isn’t my first time partaking in the Introduce yourself weekend but every time join in I get to meet new and interesting people and I’m loving that.

My name is Joe Murillo. I am a screenwriter that focuses in the Horror genre.I love to blend other genre to my horror stories (family drama, sci-fi, Western, Adventure, to name a few) and explore themes and character flaws I don’t think we see a lot of in the genre.

I have a M.A. in Screenwriting from CSUN and have been pursuing a writing career for almost two years. This past year I finally earned the ability to call myself an Award-Winning Screenwriter after my screenplay THE COLONY won best Sci-fi Feature Screenplay at the HorrOrigins Film Festival. My Creature Feature script CRYPTIDS received a “Recommend” from Shore Scripts and my Werewolf/Western SILVER received a Project: Recommend from Stage 32’s services.

Please don’t hesitate to message or connect with me. I love meeting new people and am always happy to share my work or read and watch others.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Joseph! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Hannah Barefoot

Nice to meet you Joseph! I often work in the horror genre (as an actress). I always appreciate meeting people in the same fields. Cheers on your many projects!

Joseph Murillo

Matthew Parvin thank you and it’s nice to meet you as well.

Joseph Murillo

Hannah Barefoot Thank you Hannah! Congrats on the many roles you’ve been in and on your writing and short film accomplishment.

Hannah Barefoot

Thank you Joseph!

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Joseph Murillo. Any news on "Wendigo"?

Joseph Murillo

Maurice Vaughan I recently changed the title to Cryptids. The title was working against the script. Since then it’s reached top 10% on Coverfly. It’s entered in a few contests that start announcing in December. I recently started querying managers with it and SILVER, my Werewolf/Western.

Maurice Vaughan

Oh ok, Joseph Murillo. What do you mean "The title was working against the script" (if you feel like sharing)?

Joseph Murillo

Maurice Vaughan Essentially the title The Windigo gave away the twist. The characters (and audience) believe they are going to encounter one thing and they’re wrong.

Maurice Vaughan

Ok, I see, Joseph Murillo. Smart choice. And it's "Windigo," not "Wendigo." I wrote it wrong.

Joseph Murillo

It was a lesson learned for sure, title choice matters lol. No worries, both are technically correct I just chose the less used variation.

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