Introduce Yourself : Howdy Stage 32 Denizens by Tom Freyer

Tom Freyer

Howdy Stage 32 Denizens

I just wanted to introduce myself and get to know about you. I'm a produced TV and Feature screenwriter living and working in Los Angeles. I especially dig stories based on true events, but also write pure fiction. I'm currently creating a show bible for a new Grounded Sci-Fi/Thriller TV pilot and series I co-wrote. I'm also marketing a few projects I wrote including a historical thriller based on a book I optioned, and an Action Adventure, which I'm now turning into a graphic novel. I'm always interested in meeting working TV and Feature Producers.

Joseph Murillo

Hi Tom! Nice to meet you.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Tom! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Shellie Schmals

Wow! I love how you have so many different kinds of projects. You should check out our OTT Lounge to talk about your graphic novel. I think a lot of people will be interested in how you are tackling that process. Here's the link >>

Sam Mannetti

Great to meet you Tom! Would love to know more about your writing. Would you take 2 minutes to fill out this survey for me? Cheers!

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