Introduce Yourself : Good evening, my Stage 32 Family! by Victor Ramon Mojica

Victor Ramon Mojica

Good evening, my Stage 32 Family!

Studying screenwriting. I'm on book32. I learned a bit from each one. They all teach a different approach, and they're all good. I feel I'm getting near to having a good script for coverage. I hope everyone is doing well and happy. If I don't get a chance -- Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Amanda Toney

Nice to meet you Victor! Make sure to let our script services team know when you’re ready for coverage ( so they can point you in the right direction!

Emily J

Hi Victor Ramon Mojica! What kind of stories do you write?

Victor Ramon Mojica

I am writing a sci-fi, Emily. It's based on a comic book series I started back in 1992 and continues today. I always thought it should be a great TV series. I think everyone would enjoy it.

Victor Ramon Mojica

Hi Amanda, I enjoy how you manage the webinars. You do a great job. I'll definitely get coverage from Stage 32.

Leonardo Ramirez

Happiest of holidays and an insanely prosperous New Year to you Victor Ramon Mojica !

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Victor. "Captain CROSSBONES" sounds interesting from the title.

Victor Ramon Mojica

Hi, Maurice; thanks. It's a comic strip I write twice a month for a local newspaper. I created it in 1986, but I've only been publishing it since 2010. Here's a sample:

Victor Ramon Mojica

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to you also, Leonardo! Thanks.

Maurice Vaughan

Ha! That's hilarious, Victor Ramon Mojica!

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