Introduce Yourself : To those I have yet to meet or those I already have... by Jason Buss

Jason Buss

To those I have yet to meet or those I already have...

So, it is still the weekend. Still a little time to Introduce myself. Wisconsin based created always wanting to more of what I love. Put me on set and I will be happy. Acting or home. Wanting to connect to fellow creatives so I d o not feel so alone. If you are a mid-west based creative or a creative that claims Wisconsin as part of your history and now live elsewhere. Hope to connect to you!

Asmaa Jamil

Great way to built a network. I am in mid-west but not in Wisconsin.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Jason Buss. There's a lot of time left. Introduce Yourself Weekend is Friday through Monday each month. Are you working on any projects? Or any upcoming projects?

Emily J

Hi Jason Buss! Thanks for sharing! What kinds of projects do you like to work on? Anything in the pipeline right now that you're excited about?

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