Introduce Yourself : A big hello to everyone in this exciting creative community! by Steven Hart

Steven Hart

A big hello to everyone in this exciting creative community!

My name is Steven and I'm a writer, artist and college lecturer, teaching Illustration, Design and Art in Glasgow. 

I used to work in the Scottish Advertising industry many years ago as a Copywriter and Art Director. This is where I got my introduction to writing scripts for TV and radio ads, which really got me interested in the possibility of writing a screenplay, or novel. 

Once I left Advertising and went into teaching Art, Design and Advertising full-time, I decided to have a go at writing short stories and scribbling down loads of ideas for movies. I eventually had a go at writing a screenplay and absolutely loved the experience.

I've written two scripts now, a dark crime thriller set in the US and a relationship drama set in Toronto, where I lived between 2015 and 2017.

I completely rewrote my crime thriller script last summer and entered it in several Film Festival Screenplay Competitions in 2023/24. It's now won a couple, been a finalist in a few more and had a few honourable mentions and official selections as well, so I know it's moving in the right direction.

I'm currently turning it into a graphic novel and also writing it as a novella, just for a bit of fun and to cover all the bases!

I was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (ALS) in 2020, so one of my main aims is to get my screenplay made into a movie, as soon as humanly possible! 

I do realise that getting a movie made can be a very long, drawn out process, so I joined this community to get the best advice and support that will hopefully help me to realize my dream.

I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone, sharing ideas and talking about movies.


Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Steven Hart. I checked out your profile and didn't see much in your bio. You made a great introduction post. Why not post it in your bio? A detailed bio will help you build relationships/network on here. You could also add things like your favorite movies, shows, books, artwork, etc.

David C. Velasco

Welcome Steven!

Pat Savage

Welcome to Stage32! Happy networking!

Steven Hart

Thank you for the welcome.

Wendy Weising

Welcome, Steven! I’m glad you joined us.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Steven Hart. How's your graphic novel and novella coming along?

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Steven! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Steven Hart

Thanks again for the welcome. I'm looking forward to meeting lots of like minded creative people and finding out all about how Stage 32 works.

Maurice Vaughan

Here's a great blog that'll help you navigate Stage 32 for your best experience, Steven Hart:

And in case you were wondering, you can reply directly to someone in the comments by putting @ in front of their name.

Debbie Croysdale

@Steven Welcome to Stage 32. It’s cool you got so many strands of the Art world under your belt.

Stefano Pavone

Welcome to the club. :)

Steven Hart

Debbie Croysdale thanks Debbie, good to meet you.

Steven Hart

Stefano Pavone thank you.

Linda Collison

Steven, I urge you to finish the novella and publish it on Amazon KDP, in print and e-format, and as an audio book.That establishes your IP and your book will be a reality and live on. The film would be great, wouldn’t it? but you can make the book a reality. Best wishes! - Linda

Steven Hart

Linda Collison Hi Linda, thanks very much for your advice, I will definitely look at doing this once I get the novella completed. I hope you're doing well and having fun with all of your creative endeavours. Steven.

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