Introduce Yourself : How do I EARN an agent or manager? by Sergio Cardenas

Sergio Cardenas

How do I EARN an agent or manager?

Hello, my name is Sergio Cardenas and I aspire to be a screenwriter and film director. They say that if you want to pitch an idea to Netflix, “you must work through a licensed agent, producer, attorney, manager, or industry executive, as appropriate, who already has a relationship with Netflix.” ( Now, I’m not ashamed to admit I’m starting out from rock bottom. Therefore, I’d like to know how do I REALLY EARN an agent or a manager?

Michael David

I got my manager after being optioned twice and selling two other screenplays. Plus I had a number of unproduced samples my manager can hock around town. That's the real way to get a manager.

But there is the "long shot" way. You can go to and buy the opportunity to pitch to agents and managers to take up your project. If they agree, they can pitch that project of yours to Netflix.

Be advised, if you are a beginning screenwriter the chances are very unlikely that the script will be of the quality needed to pitch to Netflix (or any producer). Most screenwriters write a bunch of screenplays before writing "The One" that sells.

Best of luck! This craft is definitely a marathon; not a sprint.

Sergio Cardenas

Thank you for letting me know about

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