On Writing : Using ChatGPT for screenplay feedback?? by Lynelle Paulick

Lynelle Paulick

Using ChatGPT for screenplay feedback??

May I get an opinion on using this AI platform as a first-review feedback mechanism? I'm hearing both "really good idea" and "reallllllly bad idea"!

Maurice Vaughan

I wouldn't trust AI to give me feedback,Lynelle Paulick. I've heard AI gives weird feedback.

Michael David

I used ChatGPT 4 once for coverage. It told me my protagonist didn't arc. My protagonist literally starts as a diagnosed agoraphobe and ends by rescuing everyone in New York City,

Lynelle Paulick

Ohhhhh, I LOVE both of these!! hahahaha. Alrightee right, my decision may be made! :) Thanks, Maurice and Michael.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Lynelle Paulick.

Ashley Renee Smith

I think that using AI as a tool for research, organizing thoughts, etc. is one thing. But when it comes to something as important as feedback or notes, you want to make sure it's coming from a real person who can connect with your story and characters on an emotional level or pick up on nuance.

Lynelle Paulick

Beautiful. Thank you, Ashley. This and the other responses are making it pretty clear to me where not to go at this stage! ;):)

John Michael German


Bluepennotes.com from Jill Godley could help those in-line notes be a lovely potential. Depending on package, low-cost items.

In terms of the AI, helping to think for a route of mentality that can view within a perspective of difference - lovely. Helping to contemplate a writing format that could uptick your presentation. Like, CareerVillage.org, has an AI component that rewrites your wording to a certain category chosen. Potentially helpful in looking at a new formatted writing.

Gratitude inside you.

God Bless,

John German

Stephen Cheshire

Hello CHATGPT is great software, a lot of creatives are using it, I am currently writing a historical thriller, and using it with certain scenes has helped, think of the film industry, they use AI to help them. I would never see it to write the whole book, so if it offers feedback go for it

Renita Sherell

I am not certain how much of it is feedback and how much of it is just a computer spitting back at you the same information that you gave it.

Travis Seppala

I've actually gotten some VERY insightful notes from Chat GPT....

Kevin Enners

Chatgpt is capable of handling basic information and offering feedback, albeit limited. It ties up limited summaries in a pretty bow and skin-deep recommendations. Good start, but if you want something more robust, your best bet is to talk to a human.

Richard "RB" Botto

Some great notes here already, so I'll echo - for brainstorming and researching, but certainly not for analysis of one's work.

Gregory Barone

you can ask PI, GPT, and Gem to act or roll play as a screen writer and it will do it just like one. I have more of these.

Lynelle Paulick

What incredible responses [jawdrop emoji]. Thank you, all.

Amanda Toney

It's a great tool to help with loglines, especially when you struggle with sharing a story in a single sentence.

Phil Clarke

I'll also echo the same thought as many: while I'm generally against AI in this field of endeavour, if you're doing it for some basic research or to inspire you (maybe creating some visuals to help put a character firmly in your mind's eye when you write), then that's one thing, but for analysis, it's a big fat no. You might think what you get from AI notes is insightful, but I can assure you any script consultant or story analyst worth their salt will find holes. And at the end of the day, who do you make your stories for? Humans or AI? The answer to that question will inform you who you'll really need to check and provide feedback on your story.

John Roane

I have read some AI generated novels and they are awful. As an English professor, it concerns me because some people are actually reading them. I'm finding that AI is great for generating scenarios. As I move through the first draft of my fifth novel, I'll reach a "what-to-do-next" point. I feed in some ideas on AI and see what it comes up with. I do that repeatedly. It's like adding fertilizer to a garden. The garden in my creative mind.

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