Introduce Yourself : Aspiring Screenreader/Screenwriter by Teresa Amos

Teresa Amos

Aspiring Screenreader/Screenwriter

I am new to this platform and am introducing myself. I am Teresa Amos, a retired educator seeking to fulfill my passion. I love the arts and creating.

Daniel Husbands

Hello Teresa Amos welcome to the stage32 community!

Preston Poulter

Welcome! I turned my passion for stories into making comic books.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Teresa Amos. Here's a great blog that'll help you navigate Stage 32:

Leonardo Ramirez

Hi Teresa Amos - congrats on your next chapter. My wife is an educator so I get to see how tough it is. I'm longing for the day that she can retire. All the best with your projects!

Vincent Turner

make a lot of it best of luck

Sydney Summers

Welcome to the community! What are your upcoming goals?

Ben Henning

Hi Teresa! I'm in the same boat-- also a brand new screenwriter, hoping to find some connections here.

Sam Sokolow

Hi Teresa - it’s terrific meeting you here in the Stage 32 community. What genres are you writing screenplays in? Are you working on anything right now that you’re excited about?

Diane Fluin

Welcome, Teresa! I bet we're in the same screenreading program

Teresa Amos

We probably are if it's with Carolyn Carpenter. I am learning how to navigate Stage 32, so it may take me a minute to respond. I am in the process of trying to upload my picture.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Teresa! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Sam Rivera

hi Teresa Amos welcome to Stage 32 what are you working on right now?

Teresa Amos

Hello Sam. I am begininnig to write a screenplay adaptation of a book.

Angela Lawrence

Hi Teresa! Welcome to our Tribe! You're gonna love it here!

Teresa Amos

Hello, Angela! Thank you for welcoming me to Stage 32. I am in the process of learnig how to navigate the page.

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