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By Reenita Malhotra Hora

GENRE: Romance, Comedy

An Indian-American teen deals with her  single mother and becomes her mother’s matchmaker instead of the other way around.


Meet ILA ISHAM, a fiery seventeen-year-old Indian-American from Hoboken. She's at her wit's end with her controlling mother, VEENA who won't let her indulge in her pop idol, BAD BUNNY. Despite her estranged spouse JJ’s disapproval, Veena insists that their daughter should date a "legit real guy." Ila and mom’s BFF, JULIE are convinced Veena's helicoptering is down to JJ (even though they are separated), known to Ila as "Pops." She hatches a plan, Operation Mom, to play matchmaker for her mother.

Ila discovers that Veena once had her own teenage obsession with the British pop star, GEORGE MICHAEL. The perfect plan? Buy Veena tickets to a George Michael memorial concert which happens to be on prom night and find her a date to accompany her. This way she’ll be less interested in giving in to Pops’ insistence that she chaperone the prom and she will be able to get her off her back. Ila recruits her BFF, LESLIE and DEV, a boy who has a crush on her, and to help make "Operation Mom" a reality, all while keeping it a secret from Veena.

The moment Ila lays eyes on her new project, she is hooked! But when the time comes to screen a potential date for her mom, things take a hilarious turn. Enter Fizz, a guy from the 'George Michael groupies club' that Veena has been chatting with online. With her trusty partner-in-crime Leslie by her side, Ila embarks on a mission to uncover the truth about Fizz. But, alas, what they find is not what they expect. Instead of a George Michael fanatic, they stumble upon a crotchety Indian man living in the heart of a Parsi colony in Jackson Heights, with no sign of George Michael memorabilia in sight!

Ila decides to take a back-to-basics approach to help her mom find a partner. To up her 'Sex Appeal,' Ila glamorizes Veena’s style and takes her to Baqar Nasser’s Bollywood pickle ball HIIT class. Unfortunately, this plan also falls short when Veena can't keep up with the intense workout.

Dev comes to Ila's aid in crafting her mom's dating app profile. Initially, Ila limits their search to Indian suitors, but as responses flood in from profiles with peculiar names like Bahadur Billy and Lakda, she relies on Dev to help navigate the male mind. Ila's newfound interest in deciphering male communication leads to a waning interest in Bad Bunny and a growing interest in the savvy Dev.

Meanwhile, Mom hacks into Ila's computer and discovers her daughter's dating profile and chats with potential suitors, including Dr. Yuva Dayalan, an Afro-Caribbean yoga practitioner. Worried that Ila is pursuing middle-aged oddballs, Mom turns to JJ for assistance.

Ila becomes just as obsessed with Operation Mom as her own Mom is about ‘Project Ila,’ She nitpicks every potential suitor, but Julie steps in and sets up a blind date with Commander Weiner, a hot ex-navy guy. To get Veena to comply, Julie claims she needs backup for her own blind date and drags Veena and JJ along as chaperones. But things quickly spiral out of control when Veena and JJ accuse Ila of secretly dating older men, leading to a chaotic showdown during the supposed double date. Ila is forced to come clean to calm her irate mother.

Ila's Operation Mom doesn't go as smoothly as planned. Setting up her 45-year-old, obsessive mother proves to be no easy feat. In Indian culture, it's typically the mother who sets up their daughter with potential suitors, not the other way around. Recognizing that she and her mother are two peas in a pod, Ila takes a break from the project and redirects her focus towards dating Dev instead.

Nate Rymer

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Reenita Malhotra Hora

Thank you Nate. Much appreciated. Would love to know your thoughts on improving.

Arthur Charpentier

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