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By Suzanne Lutas

GENRE: Sci-fi

When a maverick princess is forcibly shapeshifted and cast to the farthest planet, she must team up with a rogue bounty hunter to steal an antidote and return home in time to stop the death of worlds.


While struggling with her royal duties, Princess Destiny trains hard to be an acrobat and fulfill her dream of touring the universe. When her father pushes her into an arranged marriage to ensure peace in the galaxy, Destiny turns to the Prime Minister to pull her out. He teleports her away with his scheme in mind while falsely promising he will find a solution.

Stranded on a post-apocalyptic Earth, Destiny realizes she has been morphed into an alien girl half her age with long, three-fingered hands!

She is taken in by outcast teenagers and learns to survive outside her royal comfort zone while discovering what friendship means. Despite feeling awkward in her new body, Destiny retains all her prior skills, which she utilizes to survive in the new environment.

After meeting a bounty hunter, Destiny tricks him into a poker game to win his loyalty. He must help her break into the most sophisticated vault in the galaxy and steal the shapeshifter serum she needs, which turns out to be useless.

Destiny will have to overcome one of many obstacles on her journey back home, during which she will learn it is not the vessel's shape that matters but its engine. Not even her body envelope but her soul that counts. Since restoring order to the galaxy takes priority, Destiny will do whatever it takes to carry it out. And assume her role as Princess.

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