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By Suzanne Lutas

GENRE: Historical

In 1665, after the Lord Mayor’s wife is wrongly imprisoned for witchcraft, he must go against the King’s hammer of justice to free her and use her unorthodox medicine to save London from the Plague.


When the Mayor's ex-wife visits him at home to beg for a Certificate of Health for herself and her family, indispensable for leaving the city, he advises her to undergo a medical examination and make a formal request. As a loyal king's servant, he won't bypass the law for anyone or anything. She thus retaliates by anonymously denouncing his new wife as a witch. Torn between his personal feelings and his duty, he doesn’t stop her imprisonment.

Next, the Mayor is secretly informed that his child is a young boy he has just quarantined and is doomed to certain death. A pregnancy his ex-wife had concealed when they divorced. Straight away, he defies the law, frees his wife, and they save the boy together, changing the official views on the "witches" medical practices forever.

The story is based on facts and natural medical practices. During the 1665 London plague, unlike doctors, only the "witches," as they were perceived, approached the plague-stricken people and tried to cure them. They were later regarded as the first women Surgeons.

Note: The glass cage, the Doctor's costume, the medical practice; the quarantine and the prison rules; the role of the Lord Mayor, and most names are facts.

Pattana Thaivanich

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Pattana Thaivanich

Very interested! I would read the script if you post.

Nate Rymer

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Daniel Velasco Cajias

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Nathaniel Baker

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