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By Kerin Freeman

GENRE: Historical, Drama

Immigrant Freddie Foster, a Brando and an American cowboy fanatic, falls victim to the James Dean, Brylcreem, Rock ‘n Roll and Cold War era in suspicious, conservative New Zealand at a time the country is exploding into rebellious colour


Hard working, likeable English lad Fred Foster, a Brando and an American cowboy fanatic, believes in the hype of a sweeter life on the other side of the world. It isn’t long before he realises NZ isn’t the promised land of milk and honey; instead it's suffering from moral misconduct, American influenced teenage delinquents, Reds under the Bed, horrific murders committed by young women, and social depression.

When Fred’s ex-girlfriend tragically, accidentally dies the National government use Fred’s behaviour to send a swift, strict message to their debauched youth. Unable to prove his intention to kill, Queen’s Counsel attack his loose morals and sentence him to death by hanging. Fred’s specialist in nervous conditions judges him ‘…a psychopathic personality of schizoid type’, and that Freddie only intended to create a scene for the one he loved. Most, not all, of New Zealand society see him as another Pommy immigrant living in a distorted reality using half-truths and wearing outlandish clothes, confirming the worst fears of the establishment and parents. His barrister believes his innocence and that the Crown played to the virtuousness of the Judge and Jury by calling Fred ‘obsessed with sex’.

Andrea Thompson

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