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By Bear Kosik

GENRE: Drama

A young woman who plans to study in China struggles with being honest in her relationships, ultimately realizing that going abroad is a choice to end things with her longtime, live-in boyfriend.


Ellen, a grad student, and her younger brother Robby visit Dad on the grounds of a psychiatric hospital. Dad has been in recovery for years but had a psychotic episode. He expresses concern about his estranged

older son Jason and Ellen’s “situation.” Their visit is cut short by a storm that comes up suddenly.

Ellen discusses her interest in going to China with everyone but her partner Martin. He can’t marry Ellen because he is still married to a woman who refused to move with him for his job. Ellen doesn’t see she is

making decisions and then asking Martin to accept them. Martin fails to see the emotional distance he is creating.

Ellen goes to a family reunion. She finds some comfort from older relations and finally tells Martin she has made up her mind to go to China. However, she now hides her decision to extend the trip for two weeks.

Paul thinks Ellen’s relationship with Martin is suffering from sexual boredom. He suggests she hook up with a guy he calls Horse. Anna dotes on Martin, giving him far more attention than she does her own children.

Ellen sees her father is worn out from emotional turmoil in the family. Suddenly, Dad dies. Ellen wants to help her mother and be supportive but is pushed away.

Jason attends Dad's funeral but maintains his emotional distance. He says he stays away to protect his sobriety and sanity. He accuses Ellen of distancing herself without taking responsibility for her actions,

particularly with regard to Martin and her plans to go to China.

Robby wants to be helpful, but has not thought through the implications of Martin still being married and Ellen having been underage when they started living together. Ellen fears the latter issue will come out if

Martin files for divorce.

Paul continues to push the idea of Horse becoming inserted into Ellen and Martin’s relationship. He claims Martin has been hanging around where guys find sexual partners for quickies. Then Ellen happens to meet

Horse. She flirts with him. It is finally clear Martin and Ellen are separating without having the conversation they ought to have.

Ellen leaves for China. Paul tells Robby that Ellen hopes that the time apart will demonstrate she and Martin can each move on.

Ellen has been seen drinking throughout. She is now on the plane to China and asks for more wine to sleep. In a flashback to the first scene, Ellen tries to sort out the memory. She realizes she already had

started to leave Martin by wanting to go to China. Her family’s issues, like the rainstorm, prevented her from seeing things clearly.

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