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By Felix Agyeman Boahen

GENRE: Romance, Drama

After losing a wife-to-be to a wealthy client, a famous marriage counselor has to find a true love to restore his honor and the honor of his counselling. 

Juno Dante Night

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Nathaniel Baker

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Tasha Lewis

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Maurice Vaughan

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Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Felix Agyeman Boahen. I like the concept. I think the logline can be reworked a little. Something like: "After losing his fiancée to a wealthy client, a famous marriage counselor tries to find true love so he can restore his honor and the honor of his counselling."

This logline cuts down on "to's".

Felix Agyeman Boahen

Hahaha... That's some great rework, Maurice... I think you're really good with loglines... You've really done well... That's great keep it up, buddy.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Felix Agyeman Boahen. Appreciate it.

Judith Grace Bassat

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