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By Richard Galbraith

GENRE: Sci-fi, Crime

A young woman sees bright lights coming directly at her right before the curator in the universe of Petanoma welcomes her to a world of higher consciousness where, despite uncontrollable forces, she pursues her mother’s killer. 


Eliza Dupree, young and beautiful, is killed in a collision when she hits a truck head on. The next thing she knows, she’s sitting in a dark room that looks like a library study. She’s introduced to a man called The Curator. He has a lot to say but the bottom line is she progressed like millions of other souls; now residing in Petanoma, a universe well removed from our universe. She’s informed life on earth was an experiment that no one ever realized, and she could progress to an even greater universe of knowledge and understanding if deemed worthy. After she meets with The Curator, she sees The Administrator who ensures she knows all the rules she must obey.

Living in a communal group called a Pod, she befriends several souls. She especially likes Roscoe who was a sheriff and lived in New Mexico; dying in 1862. He hasn’t aged a bit, but that’s normal in Petanoma. She learns that they are living on the continent of Dominion where all good souls reside. Peregrine, the adjacent continent is where evil lives. As you can guess, it’s not a nice place. Knowing her mother’s alleged killer was executed several weeks before she died, she believes he has to be somewhere in Peregrine. Against the wishes of The Curator and The Administrator, she elicits the help of Roscoe and off they go to find her mother’s killer. They finally locate him and he is shocked they found him. They take him to Petanoma to face justice.

It would be wonderful to know when you die, you would go to a place where your soul is completely preserved and you can communicate like a real human being. This is not the case with Eliza.

She unravels the murder in a coma in a hospital in Virginia while the local police actually arrest her father for the 20 year old murder of her mother based on DNA evidence.


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Gregory McGee

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Gregory McGee

I like this area of thought as well. Still a bit murkey in your mind to attempt a script. I recommend you read "God is Not Great" by Richard Dawkins. It'll free up your mind a bit. You still seem pretty cabled down to Judeo-Christian mentality at this point ( Not intended as an insult or congratulations, just an observation ) Like, why does there always have to be BETRAYAL at the end of everything?

Nathaniel Baker

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Noel Thompson

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Noel Thompson

I'm unsure what the actual film is as I'm unclear what's the inciting incident - the death, the discovery of the evil continent, the going to the evil continent and how all of that relates to what is going on in Virginia. "After a woman's untimely death, she's relieved to learn there's life after death, but there's also evil after death and she has unfinished business with her mother's killer - he escaped justice on Earth before but she's willing to risk her eternal soul to make sure he pays in the afterlife." Maybe? Still a bit long...

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