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By John Kevin Bell

GENRE: Sci-fi, Historical

An Army Ranger is teleported back in time to the battle of Gettysburg to assist the south to win the civil war thus altering modern society.


AARON KILPATRICK 30, is an ex army ranger who wants to visit and document the battle of Gettysburg reenactments done every year on July 1st through 3rd. He enters a fog and finds himself back in 1863 at the battle of Gettysburg. Not knowing it is real, He his captured by the Union and plays along at first until he realizes that he is actually live in the battle. He escapes to get his gear and form a plan to join the South where he meets with the main Generals and gives intel into the goings on of the battles for all 3 days. He in tandem with General Pickett use modern sniper tactics with an assistance from a drone to take out the Unions Generals and take the white house from president Lincoln Thus altering history.

The South wins the civil war in this film. Aaron falls in love with Lady Reynolds and after some drama and time, he persuades her to come back with him to the future where he is from. Upon their return, modern society has completely changed. The United States is divided into two halves. The southern half is now the United confederate states of Great Britain. The north merged with Canada. Everything is different now and he discovers that he is in a loop and reenters the fog 1 year later to set it all straight. But will he?

This is a fun clean script other than civil war fighting which can get a bit grizzly. The idea for this film came from a Vietnam Vet that was talking about modern warfare opposed to just lining guys up and target shooting at each other back in the day. Like the whole civil war could be won with one apache helicopter, and the like or one Abrams tank. page count 96


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