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By Lisa Penner Dang

GENRE: Comedy, Adventure

Dying to go on vacation takes on new meaning when an overworked, corporate man is determined to let nothing get in the way of enjoying his annual family vacation.


Isla Mujeres Zombies is a Comedy/Action Adventure written along the lines of Pirates of the Caribbean & Shaun of the Dead. It’s a movie about unlikely friendships and facing your fears.

Keon Ogo is a Oregonian transplant from Hawaii. He works as a Senior manager for a package shipping company. Like most people Keon’s vacation is all he has to look forward to. His work life is filled with stress and anxiety.

Keon’s wife Leilani is a Preschool teacher and is also looking forward to their vacation with their daughters Safina (8), and Raina (14). Raina has a form of autism called Retts Syndrom. It effects her speech and coordination.

On the plane they are seated across from Bud & Trudy Tressler. They are from Texas and are totally opposites of the Ogo family. Trudy is know as Trudy the Texas Tornado. She is professional women’s wrestler.

Shortly after arriving at the Cancun airport they discover that Mexico has been taken over by female zombies. They take a boat with the Tressler’s to Isla Mujeres hoping zombies hav not invaded.

This island of Isla Mujeres is even worse. A bottle of aged salt with a curse on it from the moon goddess Ixchel started the fiasco. They meet up with their favorite bartender Sergio. Sergio is one of the only male resort workers left.

They men seek out treasure at Emerald Point. Sergio’s Abulo told him tales of green eyed mermaids and sleeping sharks that are the gatekeepers of the emeralds.

Leilani and Trudy race for a cure to help the women zombies. They develop a close relationship with the head chef zombie. They soon realize the cure was facing their biggest fear.

Throw in a zombie quinceanera party, a smack down luchadora match, and a golf cart high chase scene this screenplay has characters with heart you will fall in love with.

Tasha Lewis

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