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By Tom Schneider

GENRE: Mystery, Horror

A young moonshiner witnesses a murder and gets caught in a mystery that threatens his sanity, his life, and his soul.


It’s 1933 during the last days of Prohibition when Teddy, a young moonshiner, witnesses a murder at the lake. He struggles with reporting the crime as he realizes the murderer, Bottles Capone, and the chief of police are friends. Teddy’s new job as busboy enables him to get close to his crush, Hildegard, the restaurant owner’s daughter, who helps him make sense of things.

When Teddy meets the murder victim, Lilian, alive, he questions what is really happening and whether Lilian is a ghost. Nelson, Lilian’s estranged husband, arrives in town searching for her and Bottles to get revenge for their adulterous affair and the death of his dream of having a family. Manof Cinn, Bottles’ employer, seeks to recruit Teddy and a brief engagement soon leaves Teddy culpable for killing another man.

As Teddy learns the truth of Lilian’s murder, he realizes he was also a victim at the lake and Lilian isn’t the only ghost wandering around and the lakeside resort town. Teddy is actually dead himself, and the lakeside resort town is purgatory. As Manof Cinn (Man of Sin, aka Satan) attempts to close the deal on Teddy’s soul, a spiritual battle ensues. It takes Arch Angel Michael, posing as a beggar veteran, to intercede in battle to save his soul.

It’s The Sixth Sense meets Angel Heart.

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