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By Jackson L. Ragsdale

GENRE: Drama, Thriller
LOGLINE: After things go wrong they tend to not get any better until a former drill sergeant is made to step in and takes over the school after the principal of the school commits suicide due to the lack of staff because the school is too corrupted.


A drill sergeant takes over Jameson High after chaos reaches beyond the schools boundaries, this will be a look inside our dangerous minds.

Daniel Stuelpnagel

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Daniel Stuelpnagel

I like the tone, set-up sounds mysterious and dark. Needs a few details. What's one specific thing that goes wrong and for whom? Does the former drill sergeant have another particular characteristic that makes him or her the catalyst for some exciting changes? Do they "step in" eagerly, reluctantly, motivated by something, getting paid, psychologically damaged, got a score to settle? What kind of school is it and where?

Jackson L. Ragsdale

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Tasha Lewis

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