Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a college located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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At least 20 Stage 32 members have attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
Marek Zalewski

Marek Zalewski

Actor, Cinematographer and Photographer (Still) from Vienna, Virginia
Clayton Malcolm

Clayton Malcolm

Director from Boston, Massachusetts
Stever Robbins

Stever Robbins

Actor, Comedian and Host/Presenter from Cambridge, Massachusetts
Luis Lopez Baquero

Luis Lopez Baquero

Art Director, Production Designer and Set Designer from San Juan, Puerto Rico
Yoni Gray

Yoni Gray

Actor, Musician and Singer from Washington, D. C.
Scotty Vercoe

Scotty Vercoe

Music Composer, Musician and Sound Designer from Somerville, Massachusetts
Lila French

Lila French

Actor and Filmmaker from Conil De La Frontera, Spain
Jamie Jones

Jamie Jones

Costumer from Bloomington, Illinois
DeMarko Reddins

DeMarko Reddins

Author and Editor from Smyrna, Georgia
Philippe Leonard

Philippe Leonard

Camera Operator, Cinematographer and Director of Photography from New York City, New York
Michael Moreno

Michael Moreno

Author and Screenwriter from Fort Worth, Texas
Frank St. Claire

Frank St. Claire

Screenwriter from Dallas, Texas
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