How to Protect Your Script from Theft

How to Protect Your Script from Theft

How to Protect Your Script from Theft

David M. Adler
David M. Adler
2 years ago

Many writers worry about "idea theft," allowing it to be the reason they don't tell people about their projects, won't publically post their loglines, or won't apply for contests and fellowships for this reason. But the fact is, copyright law protects the expression of an idea but not the idea itself. Lots of films and television shows have similar concepts. The entertainment industry uses these comparable projects, or "comps," to sell new projects.

But what do you do if you believe your actual script or deck, or other materials were stolen?

I recently received a call from a prospective client with a concern that someone was creating a TV show based on a story idea she'd conceived. Since the “expression” of a TV is often embodied in the Script, Treatment, and/or Bible, my next question was, “You have a script, right?”

"Yes," she said. She had a script.

I sighed a slight sigh of relief. Ok, there’s hope, I thought. Too soon. “You registered the copyright in the script, right?” was my next question. Her response was, “of course.”

What came next was disappointing but not entirely surprising. When I probed further to confirm she had registered with the Library of Congress U.S. Copyright Office (“Copyright Office”), I learned that she'd actually registered her script with the Writers Guild of America (WGA), not the Copyright Office.

While registering your work with the WGA may be useful as evidence in support of a claim of authorship, it does not take the place of registering your script with the Copyright Office, which is the sole authority with respect to the existence and scope of copyright ownership or rights of written work. Although the law says you already own the Copyright, it is still necessary to register a work.

Under the Copyright Act, as amended in 1976 (the ’76 Act), the author (creator) of a work owns the copyright. The ‘76 Act states that copyright protection extends to original works that are fixed in a tangible medium of expression. This wording broadens the scope of federal statutory copyright protection from the previous “publication” standard to a “fixation” standard. No further action is necessary.

Under section 102 of the ’76 Act, copyright protection extends to “original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.”

Almost any original expression that is fixed in a tangible form is protected as soon as it is expressed. A tangible form includes the electronic medium: a text file created in any word-processing software program is protected as soon as the file is saved to disk.

How to Protect Your Script from Theft

Although no longer necessary, notice on copyrighted material avoids any uncertainty that it is copyrighted. The four elements of Notice are the (1) copyright symbol with the term “Copyright,” (2) the year of copyright, (3) the name of the copyright holder, and (4) the phrase “All Rights Reserved.”

For example:

Copyright (c) 2022 David M. Adler, Esq.

All Rights Reserved

However, items like Ideas, Facts, Titles, Names, Short phrases, and Blank forms are not eligible for copyright protection. Also, the duration of the protection afforded by copyright depends largely on when the work in question was created. Whether the work was created before or after January 1, 1978, could have a substantial effect on the lifespan of the copyright.

Despite the successful streamlining and efficiency of rights creation and enforcement under the ’76 Act, some challenges and inconsistencies remained. Most noticeably, there had been a split in the federal courts over the minimum requirements for court jurisdiction: a registration certificate or merely a pending application. Some courts required the certificate to litigate, some courts only required proof that an application had been filed.

In 2019, the US Supreme Court ruled that in order for a copyright owner to enforce its rights against infringers, the copyright owner must have a registration certificate for the works that are being infringed.

In Fourth Estate Public Benefit Corp. v., LLC, 586 U.S. ___ (2019), decided on March 4, 2019, the US Supreme Court resolved this split among courts around the country by holding that the mere filing of a copyright application is not sufficient to allow a copyright owner to file suit - actual approval of a copyright application by the United States Copyright Office is required before suit can be filed.

The approval comes only in the form of a Registration Certificate.

While it is true that the Copyright Act says one owns the copyright in a work when it is fixed, it is no longer true that one can ignore the registration requirements. Yes, one does not have to do anything formal to own a copyright in a work one creates. However, one cannot enforce those rights without the registration certificate in hand. For all practical purposes, there is no reason not to register the copyright in any literary work you create. The fees are relatively low ($65.00 as of December 2022), and completing/filing the form can be done electronically.

A word to the wise, like all areas of Intellectual Property, there are nuances that are easily overlooked by the uninitiated. You should always consult with an experienced copyright lawyer when evaluating any individual situation.

Don't make this simple mistake. If you want to ensure that your expression of an idea is secure, always register Scripts, Bibles, Treatments, notes from "workshops," or any other creative materials with the U.S. Copyright Office because you cannot enforce your copyright rights without that registration. More information can be found here.

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About the Author

David M. Adler

David M. Adler

Entertainment Attorney

I'm an attorney, author, educator, entrepreneur and founder of a Chicago, Illinois based Media & Entertainment firm. We are a professionally-recognized law firm that enables creative businesses and artists of all disciplines to elevate aspirations to achievements through strategic use of ideas, rela...

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16 Comments on David M.'s Article

Kimela Morgan
Student, Author, Creative Executive, Producer, Screenwriter
Hi, what do you do when you never posted or shared your intellectual property with anyone. The only way they could have gain access is illegally by hacking or unauthorized access?
2 years ago
Kevin Jackson
Animator, Director, Screenwriter
This was a great talk. Really good advice and nuggets
2 years ago
Angela VanZandt
The C.A.S.E. Act is a new federal law recently passed to allow creators to try Intellectual Property cases in SMALL CLAIMS COURT for a a small fee. Credits are given to the proper owner, as well as $ which can reach 30K. It is not as much as one can get in Civil Court, but the court process is more affordable. When the UK started using Small Claims Court, their incidences of IP theft went way down. Most thieves do not want to be caught and they do not want the negative publicity which comes with these cases. It is a great new law to protect writers of all economic levels. I always use US Copyright Office and never let a script leave my hands without it. An IP lawyer is essential for any writer as there are so many dishonest people out there. I have one and he is very protective of my work. Writing is not free. It is a rather expensive endeavor done properly.
2 years ago
Dane Johnson
Entertainment Attorney
The Act should be limited to cases where there is literally no question as to whether someone is “guilty” of infringing someone else’s copyrighted work (it’s a civil claim in this context, so criminal concepts don’t apply). But there is no such limitation, and that’s just one of the Act’s numerous problems. It is certainly a good goal to help creators who can’t afford to protect their IP rights in federal court, so hopefully our elected officials will improve the Act going forward. There are some good suggestions from an Authors Alliance commentator at [this link](
2 years ago
Angela VanZandt
Dear Dane,  I think this is an on-going piece of legislation being tweaked in DC from now on.  They still have a lot of work to do.  It is a bi-partisan issue, so in time I feel it will be better with everyone in agreement in Congress.  It is a start, at least.  Just accusing the guilty makes them nervous, though. More people need to speak up when IP theft happens. It is more widespread than people know.  No American should have to endure the pain of it.
2 years ago
Angela VanZandt
Thanks for all the information, David. Will novelizing a screenplay help to protect it? I am novelizing my 15 scripts and hope it will help.
2 years ago
Susan Joyce DuBosque
Content Creator, Editor, Screenwriter, Songwriter
Thank you for sharing!
2 years ago
Susan Joyce DuBosque
Content Creator, Editor, Screenwriter, Songwriter
Thank you, David M.
2 years ago
Geoffrey Alexander
Screenwriter, Digital Imaging Technician, Videographer
Thank you, David M.
2 years ago
Chris Zyck
Screenwriter, Documentary Filmmaker, Theatrical Producer, Aerial DP, Author, Production Coordinator, Transportation Coordinator
I had an idea, actually an entire character thread with a never before executed stunt in Hollywood filmmaking history lifted from a script I entered with SCRIPT P.I.M.P contest back in 2008. P.I.M.P. is Pipeline Into Motion Pictures, but the acronym is true to form. I will never enter a script in another "contest" for my ideas to be stolen flat out. Thank you, David M.
2 years ago
Maurice Vaughan
Sorry that happened, Chris.
2 years ago
Curtis Mauriel Smith
Actor, Author, Crew, Production Assistant, Screenwriter, Voice Actor
Thank you, David M.
2 years ago
Don McHaney
I am based in Canada. Would I have to copyright my script in both the USA and Canada to be completely safe?
2 years ago
Stephanie Munch
Author, Screenwriter, Assistant Director, Audio Post-Production, Casting Director
Thank you for this post David, very helpful. We have almost similar laws in France, but it's good to keep these informations in mind!
2 years ago
Anna Marton Henry
Script Consultant, Producer
Thank you for this insightful post! I try to explain to my television clients that copyright and WGA registration are not interchangeable because they aim at virtually opposite problems. Copyright protects your work against theft, as you explain above. WGA registration has nothing to do with theft - it anticipates the exact opposite, that your script will be sold and you will collaborate with other writers (typically a showrunner) to revise / rewrite your script prior to production. This isn't a bad thing involving bad actors, this is a good thing involving people you enjoy working with. In an ideal world, everyone agrees on who contributed what and credits and money distribution is easy. But we don't live in an ideal world. Even well-meaning people can disagree or remember differently who did what and when. But fighting with people you want to have a good continuing working relationship with is really not good. So the WGA steps in as an impartial arbiter, looking at the situation and making a ruling. This is where WGA registration of different drafts makes their job easier, and helps to keep the peace between people who generally want to keep the peace. WGA registration on your script is a subtle message: "I intend to sell this, and fully anticipate collaborating with others on making this show. I want to protect my own interests, while I intend to play nicely with others."
2 years ago
Haley Mary
Actor, Songwriter, Comedian
Great article! Prior to 2007, there was concern at allpoetry about poet's works being stolen from the site, so a copyright logo with full names was an option for authors to add that would show up next to their pieces. I don't have a common last name and have recited some of the poems on youtube where people can see my face, so I haven't worried too much about people trying to steal my work.
2 years ago
Gary Jacobs
Camera Operator, Cinematographer, Drone Operator, Editor
Thanks David! Very helpful and timely post for me. I think you answered my question by referring to copyrighting a show bible. I have a docuseries I am developing, and the episode summaries for the show bible turned into a full blown layout of 8 full episodes by the story beats. Now I want to get that copyrighted before I show anyone outside the production team. Does copyright registration cover non-fiction in the same way as a fiction script when I am using publicly available information for the story? Does copyright registration cover episode summaries by story beats rather than being submitted as a traditional script? If not, what is the accepted format for non-fiction? For most documentaries the script is compiled after filming based on interviews. Thanks so much!
2 years ago
Shellie Schmals
Actor, Film Festival Director, Host/Presenter
This was so helpful David, thank you for sharing! Is there an expiration on a copyright? Or does it need to be resubmitted if the original work gets updated?
2 years ago
Shellie Schmals
Actor, Film Festival Director, Host/Presenter
Thank you for your reply David, that's so helpful!
2 years ago
David M. Adler
Entertainment Attorney
Hi Shellie, it depends on when the work was created. This is from the US Copyright Office website: The term of copyright for a particular work depends on several factors, including whether it has been published, and, if so, the date of first publication. As a general rule, for works created after January 1, 1978, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years. For an anonymous work, a pseudonymous work, or a work made for hire, the copyright endures for a term of 95 years from the year of its first publication or a term of 120 years from the year of its creation, whichever expires first. For works first published prior to 1978, the term will vary depending on several factors. To determine the length of copyright protection for a particular work, consult chapter 3 of the Copyright Act (title 17 of the United States Code). More information on the term of copyright can be found in Circular 15a, Duration of Copyright, and Circular 1, Copyright Basics. Works created on or after January 1, 1978, are not subject to renewal registration. As to works published or registered prior to January 1, 1978, renewal registration is optional after 28 years but does provide certain legal advantages. For information on how to file a renewal application as well as the legal benefit for doing so, see Circular 15, Renewal of Copyright, and Circular 15a, Duration of Copyright.
2 years ago
Maurice Vaughan
Incredible blog, David! Thanks for sharing! This topic comes up a lot in the Lounges. I'll definitely share this blog with people asking about protecting their scripts. I have a question: You said, "However, one cannot enforce those rights without the registration certificate in hand." Does that mean the physical certificate from the U.S. Copyright Office, or can it be a printed copy of the certificate (if you don't have the physical certificate from the U.S. Copyright Office)?
2 years ago
Maurice Vaughan
Thanks for the answer, David. I keep the email copies/authenticated electronic copies.
2 years ago
David M. Adler
Entertainment Attorney
Hi Maurice, good question. These days an authenticated electronic copy should suffice.
2 years ago