Acting : Looking for headshot photographer by Claudio Laniado

Claudio Laniado

Looking for headshot photographer

Looking for Headshot Photographer.

Hi everyone! I got a new look since I shaved my head last year.

I am looking for headshot photographer in NYC who is highly quality oriented and very experienced to help me get high end auditions and top agency/manager.

Any recommendations from agents or casting directors or producers or directors for a headshot photographer?

Claudio Laniado, actor, producer, screenwriter of Forbidden Tango(formerly Tango Shalom),

Convivencia Forever Films

Lindbergh E Hollingsworth

Hey mate, look up "headshot photographers" in your area. I'm confident you'll find one, several actually, since you're in NYC.

Omari Washington

Checkout Michael Roud in Studio City. He takes amazing headshots.

Tom Lapke

Emily Lambert is pricey but, for my money, one of the best HS photographers working today.

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