Composing : Phoenix Composers! by Suzanne Bronson

Suzanne Bronson

Phoenix Composers!

Come to the April S32 In person meetup!

Dustin Richardson

It's cool you keep having meetups in Phoenix, Suzanne Bronson. If I were local, I would certainly come. I hope they've been going well.

Joel Irwin

Sure be nice if there was a S32 meetup here in Houston

Suzanne Bronson

So start one @joelirwin

Ashley Renee Smith

Joel Irwin, happy to help you get one going in Houston! I host one here in Austin for the Austin and San Antonio creators.

Joel Irwin

ashley - there is already one very large film industry meetup group in Houston. Usually has has 50 to 100 attendees. Many are newbees. Perhaps that is all that is needed. I just thought that having one connected to stage 32 would be nice. Perhaps the best solution could be a inter-connection between the two. Love to find out more. wanna chat?

Ashley Renee Smith

I'll reach out to you over email and we can set a time to connect, Joel Irwin!

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