Filmmaking / Directing : The Current State of Directing Opportunities. by Martin Reese

Martin Reese

The Current State of Directing Opportunities.

Fascinating article. Just shows you need to hone a diverse set of skills.

Why It's Never Been Easier to Land in Director's Jail
Why It's Never Been Easier to Land in Director's Jail
Filmmakers who work on the (ever smaller) slate of major studio movies are dealing with risk-averse execs and a still wobbly distribution environment, with their films sitting in the larger ecosystem…
Ashley Renee Smith

This is really interesting, thank you for sharing Martin Reese!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for sharing the article, Martin Reese.

"Stripped of nuance, the definition of movie jail has always been: Lose the studio a lot of money and you don’t get to do another studio feature for a while, if ever." I'm not feeling movie jail. There are things that are outta a director's hands when it comes to a movie's success (like the economy and marketing), so I don't think one flop should keep a director from making another studio movie for a while, and especially not forever. But that's the way it is right now.

The article mentions how mid-budget studio movies went away. I think making mid-budget studio movies will help directors avoid movie jail because if a mid-budget movie flops, the studio won't lose as much money as they would if the movie was a big-budget flop, so the director might get a chance to direct another studio movie sooner.

Sydney Summers

Thanks for sharing!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Mmm... this feels like an extention of teachers being held responsible for absolutely everything when you literally can't micromanage. Interesting...

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