Distribution : 4DX Features & Signature Effects│What is 4DX cinema? by Dustin Richardson

Dustin Richardson

4DX Features & Signature Effects│What is 4DX cinema?

4DX allows films to be augmented with various practical effects, including motion seats, wind, strobe lights, simulated snow, and scents. What are people's thoughts on 4DX? If you've gone to a 4DX screening, what was your experience? I'd love to hear your thoughts and discuss!


Ashley Renee Smith

There were two years when my husband and I lived in LA and we couldn't afford to travel home for Christmas. So instead, my sister joined us for the holidays and we would see a 4DX film at LA Live to celebrate. It was a ton of fun! It's definitely not the way to see every movie, but for big and exciting blockbusters, it turns it into a full experience. We saw the first Aquaman and there were even water misting effects at times. I would absolutely do it again.

Maurice Vaughan

4DX sounds exciting, Dustin Richardson. Busch Gardens used some of the same features for one of its shows years ago. I'm not sure if Busch Gardens used 4DX or something else.

Debbie Elicksen

Dustin Richardson A couple of our Cineplex theaters in Calgary have D-Box seats that have immersive experiences (nope, nope, not for me). Not sure about wanting to smell a movie either. I love the Screen-X experience the best. I did see Bullet Train on a Screen X: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGYO5zenYBk

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