Distribution : For the Kiyoshi Kurosawa fans out there by Geoff Hall

Geoff Hall

For the Kiyoshi Kurosawa fans out there

Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s new film ‘Cloud’ is in post-production. I first came across KK a number of years ago with his awesome psychological horror film, “Pulse” (Kairo). If there’s one filmmaker’s career I could emulate, it would be his. However I’m a tad old to be thinking about longevity, but then it means I just better get a move on!

So, here’s a little something about the new film and his successes on the festival circuit.



Kiyoshi Kurosawa's thriller 'Cloud' in post-prod as Nikkatsu launches sales
Kiyoshi Kurosawa's thriller 'Cloud' in post-prod as Nikkatsu launches sales
Japanese studio Nikkatsu Corporation will introduce the film to international sales at this year's EFM
Debbie Elicksen

Geoff Hall Way cool. I am a fan of Kiyoshi and Asian films in general. The J Dramas fill my watchlist as much as the K Dramas do. :) Also, Japanese entertainment -- have you seen the views on any of their music clips on YouTube? Holy wow. North America really needs to diversify its talent more.

Geoff Hall

Debbie Elicksen Hi Debbie, no I’d not seen those figures and also the figures for people who watch Anime is totally gobsmacking!

Debbie Elicksen

Geoff Hall You're right, anime is insane. Here's just one example of one band I like a lot: the B'z. 11 million on this studio clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygyOtMnNvCg

Okay, because I am a stan of Koshi Inaba, this one has 6 million views: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrfv8SPQ32c

Ashley Renee Smith

This looks awesome! Thanks for sharing, Geoff Hall!

Maurice Vaughan

"Cloud" sounds intriguing, Geoff Hall! Looking forward to seeing it once it's finished on the festival circuit! Thanks for sharing.

Geoff Hall

Debbie Elicksen I’ve never heard of these guys, but wow, Koshi Inaba puts the awe back into awesome!

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan yeah, Maurice I can’t wait to see it. Plus I need to play catch up and see Wife of a Spy, which looks wonderful.

Geoff Hall

Ashley Renee Smith thanks, Ashley. Do you have a favourite Kiyoshi Kurosawa film?

Geoff Hall

Debbie Elicksen Maurice Vaughan Ashley Renee Smith This is my favourite scene from Pulse, that got my attention!


Ashley Renee Smith

I dont think I've ever seen one of his films, Geoff Hall. But I'll definitely be checking them out now!

Maurice Vaughan

Great scene, Geoff Hall! The slow build up, the woman's creepy walk, the suspense.

Geoff Hall

Ashley Renee Smith thanks Ashley. Pulse is definitely worth a watch!

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan yes, the woman's creepy walk. It was filmed backwards to give it that strange movement. Big note to self there, for future reference.

Pamela Jaye Smith

Thanks, I look forward to looking at more of these.

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