Distribution : Why Is Production Legal So Important? by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

Why Is Production Legal So Important?

Sean Pope (entertainment lawyer) talks about production legal in today’s blog. Production legal plays a large role in shaping the overall picture of a production, and plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth execution of content creation. This blog is a must-read.


Debbie Elicksen

The legal stuff is not to be taken lightly, for sure. This is a great opportunity to learn the must-dos and never-dos. Nobody want to forget a permit that could shut down their progress.

Emily J

Sean is such an incredible wealth of information. Thanks for sharing @Maurice!

Maurice Vaughan

You're right, Debbie Elicksen. Not to be taken lightly. I've heard of productions being shut down and projects dying because of legal issues that could've been handled up front.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Emily J.

Ashley Renee Smith

Thanks for helping to spread the word, Maurice Vaughan! This is such an informative piece!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Ashley Renee Smith.

Ewan Dunbar

Great topic to discuss! The legal side isn't often fun but not getting it squared away early can cause a heap of problems and expense later!

Sam Sokolow

Sean is such a terrific resource. And he teaches for the Stage 32 Certification program.

Vincent Turner

Anybody going through this process and know any tips on distribution that's highlight in this section?

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