Financing / Crowdfunding : How Iñárritu Shoots A Film At 3 Budget Levels by Ashley Renee Smith

Ashley Renee Smith

How Iñárritu Shoots A Film At 3 Budget Levels

In Depth Cine recently put out this interesting video dissecting how acclaimed filmmaker, Alejandro Iñárritu directed three of his most well-known films at three different budget levels. His first low-budget feature Amores Perros, the mid-budget film Birdman, and the blockbuster-level feature The Revenant. I thought this was a really cool exploration of how the creative choices that you make as a filmmaker can fit within your budgetary constraints without being limiting.

But I'd love to know everyone else's thoughts too!

Maurice Vaughan

Incredible share, Ashley Renee Smith! Alejandro Iñárritu's movies look phenomenal no matter what the budget is. The video mentions a technique of combining and disguising cuts (from individual takes) to make a shot look like a long take. That's a great technique! I think long takes can be difficult to film because one mistake and you'll have to start over, but the technique mentioned in the video gets rid of that problem.

Emma Louise Smith

Ashley! you superstar, what a great share.

Ashley Renee Smith

I agree, Maurice Vaughan! There are a lot of production techniques that seem cumbersome, but in application can actually make things a bit easier to approach at various levels.

Ashley Renee Smith

Emma Louise Smith, YOU are! =)

Amanda Toney

This is fascinating, awesome share Ashley Renee Smith!

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