Introduce Yourself : Bounty, The Legend of Artemis Slye by Rob Davenport

Rob Davenport

Bounty, The Legend of Artemis Slye

Greetings, community. Just wanted to say hello. I'm currently shopping my screenplay (with coverage). Have had some moderate interest in a short amount of time. Check out the logline in my profile. Always welcome feedback! Cheers

Preston Poulter

Looks like it would make a great comic book.

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Rob Davenport. Congratulations on the interest! I'm about to check out your logline.

Sam Rivera

Hi Rob Davenport it is great to meet you, and good to hear that youre shopping your screenplay, have you signed up for any Pitch Sessions, i recommend checking them out!>>

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Rob! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

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