Introduce Yourself : Greetings from Austin by Meridee Albrecht

Meridee Albrecht

Greetings from Austin

Hello everyone, 

Originally from Seattle but I've lived in Austin for the past two years, thinking of moving back to Washington State this summer. Possibly the eastern side of the State. I belong to the Spokane Film Project and would love to become more involved with them. 

I've worked as an Editor, P.A. and camera operator with a cinematography credit in a short, shot in Seattle.

I've spent the last few years learning Premiere Pro, Black Magic Podcast Kit, editing for  local podcast, and creating  video art with layering and video effects. I am also a member of WIFT- Austin.

Here is a horror short I'm creating with footage from a family vacation- 2020. I wanted interesting footage to learn color grading in Adobe. This is the first time I worked with presets, I think I'm almost to the final rough cut.  Would love to hear what you think. I do have a feature that I am working on and shopping for a new writer, I'm looking someone who understands the Beat Generation and the influence they had in society. I believe my gift is finding a new way of seeing things. 

Thanks for having me, take care y'all

Maurice Vaughan

Welcome to the community, Meridee Albrecht. I don't know anything about color grading, but creepy short film. It reminds me of a Found Footage movie.

Meridee Albrecht

Thank you! That was what I was going for :)

Amanda Toney

Great to have you here Meridee Albrecht! Our head of community Ashley Smith is based in Austin! Agree with Maurice…love that found footage feel. Be sure to connect with Ashley in the Browse section :)

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Meridee Albrecht. Found Footage is fun to write, and it usually doesn't cost much to make them.

Stage 32 has a Post-Production Lounge where you can get advice on color grading (

Meridee Albrecht

Thank you Amanda, I will connect with Ashley, I agree Maurice, thanks for the info!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Meridee Albrecht. See you around Stage 32!

Nick Phillips

Really enjoyed that Meridee Albrecht! Interesting way to repurpose the footage and create a totally different mood and vibe, very cool!

Meridee Albrecht

Nick Phillips thank you vey much, it was fun to make

Ashley Renee Smith

Meridee Albrecht, I just sent you a network request! =) Greetings back from Austin!

Meridee Albrecht

Thanks Ashley! Hello to you

Sam Rivera

Hi Meridee! Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

Meridee Albrecht

Thank you Sam Rivera

Morne Patterson

Hey Meridee Albrecht great to meet you and very cool short :)

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