Introduce Yourself : Happy monday community by Gareth Taylor

Gareth Taylor

Happy monday community

Hi everyone. I'm a cinematographer, filmmaker and Stage 32 Thought Leader. I will be teaching a webinar on the basics of cinematography on April 30th. You can still sign up through the following link:

I've been working on films, documentaries, commercials and music videos for 15 years. Storytelling is my passion. Always happy to connect. Have a great week.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Gareth Taylor. How's your project(s) coming along?

Sam Sokolow

Happy Monday back atcha, Gareth Taylor! Excited for your webinar on April 30th. Its important for everyone who works in set to have this knowledge. Thank you!

Niki H

Happy IYW Gareth, hope you had a great weekend! Your work is really beautiful, I'll have to check out your webinar.

Leonardo Ramirez

Happy Monday, Gareth Taylor. Great to see you teaching a class on here. All the best on it and hope it goes well!

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