Introduce Yourself : Van Kirk Screenwriter by Kristina Van Kirk Hoffman

Van Kirk Screenwriter

Through Palm Springs Writers Guild I benefited from an on line writing lab with Stacey Simmons PhD on the topic of: "Not a Heroine's Journey" addressing the archetypes of women characters in literature and film. I plan to take what I learned and apply it to the eighth re-write of my screenplay "Persephone". Simmons has a new book coming out: "A Queen's Path." Has anyone else found her teachings of use?

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Kristina Van Kirk Hoffman. It's great to meet you. I haven't heard of Stacey's teachings, but I write a lot of women characters. I might have to check out her teachings.

John Michael German


Eighth re-write - focus, dedication, and unrelenting perseverance. Amazing!

A Psychotherapist who once was in visual and animation effect - interesting road to find herself to be a part of. Wisdom to gift and a book I will seed within the listing of future potential buys.

Thankful for your share and the amazing mind you have.

God Bless,

John German

Kristina Van Kirk Hoffman

Thank you John Michael German for your encouraging words. Looks like you are a prolific writer.

Ashley Renee Smith

Welcome to the Stage 32 community, Kristina Van Kirk Hoffman! We're so excited to have you here!

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Emily J

Hi Kristina Van Kirk Hoffman! I haven't checked out her writing, but I definitely will! I'm a big fan of Maureen Murdock's THE HEROINE'S JOURNEY and Carol Pearson's PERSEPHONE RISING, have you checked out those?

Benjamin Elliott

Welcome to the community, Kristina Van Kirk Hoffman!

Niki H

Hi Kristina, it's lovely to meet you! Thank you for sharing, I am not familiar with Stacey Simmons work; I'll check her out. With a title like Persephone, I imagine her work and input would be a great tool for you! I second Emily's like of The Heroine's Journey.

Nick Phillips

Hello Kristina Van Kirk Hoffman, thanks for the recommendation of Stacey Simmons' work and writings, will need to familiarize myself!

Kristina Van Kirk Hoffman

Simmons recommended both Maureen Murdock's and Carol Peason's books. I intend to check them out.

Daniel Husbands

Hey Kristina Van Kirk Hoffman I'll have to check her out, I'm not familiar with her work, but you can never have too much understand on how to write good characters.

Paul Campbell

Welcome :)

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