On Writing : How To Maintain A Healthy Mental State As A Filmmaker! by Ashley Renee Smith

Ashley Renee Smith

How To Maintain A Healthy Mental State As A Filmmaker!

Hey Writers,

Check out today's new blog to learn about the 10 tools that one director uses to maintain a healthy mental state and mentally prepare for their next project! It's filled with fantastic tips that we could all use to reset and recover as we create.


Kenneth Adrian Ellis

A+ info! (And) Much needed on a hot button topic (subject) of today; where folks referencerust out.

Sam Sokolow

Agreed, Kenneth Adrian Ellis - such an important topic and an excellent and useful read here.

Ashley Renee Smith

Absolutely, Kenneth Adrian Ellis! We have to take care of ourselves and sometimes it's easier to do that when others remind us how.

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Ashley Renee Smith; agreed!

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