On Writing : Methods to obtain Literary agents by Mercy Dasan

Methods to obtain Literary agents

Hi All, Can you please suggest inputs on how and where to get and approach the literary agents to publish the books or to approach the production companies to convert the book to a movie?

L. Tom Deaver

Stage 32 has a wealth of information and resources. You've come to a good place. Read the blogs, posts, take a course, pitch your work. You can do it all here.

Emily J

Hi Mercy Dasan! Great question! We do have reps available for consultations on the platform who either work in IP or rep screenwriters and novelists. I'm happy to recommend some to you if you shoot me an email at success@stage32.com :)

Richard Buzzell

If you search "reedsy agents list" you'll get a lengthy list of agents accepting queries. Keep expectations in check though.

Sam Rivera
Pat Savage

Mercy Dasan I would do as Emily J has suggested she's on track!

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