On Writing : Stealing My Idea by Tracy Richardson Talent Agent

Tracy Richardson Talent Agent

Stealing My Idea

It's that I get so much feedback for my script idea , and everyone here has suggested that I protect it with a script. Whowever they fail to realize that there all witnesses to the fact that the idea belongs to me. It's kinda funny, but I guess its great to have an idea worth stealing hugh.

Michael Elliott

It's not illegal to steal an idea. No matter how many people have heard you tell it. Had the same issue when I did stand up comedy. You can't claim an "idea" is strictly your creation.

Dan Guardino

Your ideas don’t belong to you because ideas are free for the taking. The only way to protect your ideas would be not to tell anyone what they are or have them sign an NDA which would never happen.

Marcel Nault Jr.

At some point, you'd have to expect that in this cut-throat, merciless industry that is Hollywood. Unfortunately, we never learn from our mistakes and we can get away with almost anything.

It's a saddening state of affairs.

Stephen Olson

What is the point of an idea, if it is never realized. Write it.

Sam Sokolow

It is an industry of ideas. I always think it's smart to protect ideas via the Writers' Guild or copyright or some type of legal protection. Writing a script - and registering it - is an even better plan. It's like driving - you can be confident in yourself but it's the other people on the road you have to worry about. Not that everyone is bad - it's a business of wonderful people - truly - but it only takes one person to wake up the day after hearing an idea and suddenly thinking it was theirs.

Kenneth Adrian Ellis

Within this part of the 'ARTS' (Acting. Music making. Writers) scripts get purchase agreements (production agreements. production orders). NOT IDEAS! Not as a condemation for you here; rather as a conviction towards *documentations. *i.e. At least a ninety (90) page Screenplay. Or a Blueprint Screenplay a.k.a. Treatment.

Maurice Vaughan

Here's a blog that David M. Adler (entertainment attorney) wrote: "How to Protect Your Script from Theft" www.stage32.com/blog/how-to-protect-your-script-from-theft-3210

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