Screenplay trailer - vincent & paul: unspoken brotherhood, by frank hays | Frank Gaimari

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Script Reading: Vincent and Paul: Unspoken Brotherhood, by Frank Hays

Logline: A mentally unstable painter must overcome his tumultuous relationship with his narcissist lover, who uses and exploits him to advance his career.

whiskey_mountain_days__poc_fine_cut (2160p).mp4

This is a proof of concept for my feature-length project "Whiskey Mountain Days," a coming-of-age romance based on true events.

Frank Gaimari

SCREENPLAY TRAILER - Vincent & Paul: Unspoken Brotherhood, by Frank Hays

A love-struck painter, Vincent van Gogh falls for narcissist Paul Gauguin who uses and exploits him to advance his painting career. The relationship becomes tumultuous, ending with the infamous severed ear incident.

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