Introduce Yourself : Sometimes it takes a villain to do the right thing. by Benjamin Alany

Benjamin Alany

Sometimes it takes a villain to do the right thing.

Hi, I'm an actor. I currently live and work in Austin TX, but I'm moving on to a new regional market soon (though I'll be back to film some projects, been doing well with the indie film community in ATX). I'm well on my way to becoming a multi-regional actor, and I like it. In fact, I've had more SAG audition opportunities in the SE in 2015 than I've had in my entire career in TX. Things are shifting, and it's nice to see some regional markets start with a "Yes" instead of a "No." Here is a trailer for an upcoming project I had a role in: My IMDb page: Thanks for your support. I hope to work with you soon. (Please note: I only accept offers for paid projects currently, and I don't accept it when people pm me saying "You HAVE to sign up for my website to submit!" I am on many of the usual industry-accepted casting sites, and don't need more fees to pay for,thanks.)

Benjamin Alany

Thanks Kathryn, looking forward to seeing the final version when it comes out of post production.

Arnaud Talaia

Funny : I wrote something similar in my script when one of the villain does the right thing :)

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