Introduce Yourself : My Third Act by Ed Hartman

Ed Hartman

My Third Act

For most of my life, I have been involved in music as a performer, composer, and teacher. I am scoring films, and am always happy to look at what you are working on. I have other articles on Stage32 about scoring, music licensing (I teach it to composers/songwriters), film festivals, etc. 

See my filmmaker's resources page:

Because of an extraordinary series of events*, I have gotten involved heavily in film production, as a director, producer, editor, etc.  A film I scored and produced in 2019, “As the Earth Turns” has been all over the world and is distribution (including Turner Classic Movies). The filmmaker, Richard Lyford was 20 years old when he made it in Seattle, in 1938 (never released). Since then I have completed a related short documentary about Lyford that has also been in many festivals.  

*Backstory on Stage32:

As a trifecta, I am now working with a wonderful WGA screenwriter/producer, Jonathan Keasey on a biopic screenplay about the filmmaker, himself. We will be moving into further production in 2023, and see where the project leads. It is a fascinating and incredibly challenging project. I hope it will be truly inspiring for any filmmaker to see on screen. Richard Lyford, the subject of the story, is not a well-known director, but worked for Disney, and directed an Award-Winning Academy film. His early years in Seattle are a wild look at life during the 1920s and 1930s and highlight a very young man’s ability to bring Hollywood to the Pacific Northwest, and eventually get there himself. All of this happened in an era way before iPhones, computers, the internet, social media, etc.  His film, “As the Earth Turns” was all about future technology, too!

Have a wonderful holiday season!

Ed Hartman

Ed Hartman Music - Filmmaker Resources
Ed Hartman Music - Filmmaker Resources
Filmmaker Resources. Ed Hartman Music, a composer artist from Seattle
Morgan Aitken

Hiya Ed Hartman -- I love the idea of matching music to film. Don't suppose Linux has been part of your composing and production process?

Ed Hartman

No. I'm a MAC person (from the very beginning of Apple!). I use Logic as a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), along with other programs for audio and video production. As far as my process as a composer, I generally meet with a filmmaker (zoom is great for this, these days). We have a "spotting session" that goes through the film, scene by scene for emotion, pacing, style, etc. I can synchronize music to picture on Logic, itself, usually a scene at a time. Test tracks are sent back to the director to try out. Once the music is confirmed, mixing depends on the level of production. For smaller films, I can generally mix tracks, myself and send them to the editor. For larger productions, an audio post studio may be needed for music editing and prep (5.1, etc.).

Morgan Aitken

Sounds like a complex process, matching both your creative vision with what the film and director are looking for. Maybe a compromise? I'm pretty much diving in for the fun and wow of it. Rather self indulgent at this point in time. I can't imagine what it becomes when you have to see things musically, someone else's way. I'd find that difficult. In the meantime, there's a bunch of us 'composers' hanging in the Composing lounge that would likely love to pick your brain on this. Make sure you pop in, say hi, if you haven't already.

Ed Hartman

It's always a bit of a battle with a director, assuming they like you and your work to begin with. I do a lot of music for music libraries. They are always looking for specific styles, genres and instrumentation. That kind of practice helps know how to create a variety of music for a film project. We all have our strengths, but composers that are versatile usually get the gigs. I'll try to check out the composer's group, when I get a chance.

Maurice Vaughan

I like your music, Ed Hartman, especially "Carol Of The Bells"! Now, I wanna go see "Home Alone." :D Congratulations on your success with “As the Earth Turns" and best to you and Jonathan on the biopic! Happy holidays.

Ed Hartman

Thanks very much Maurice! I appreciate it very much. The recording is from "Marimbells of Christmas", from 1992. That recording has had some good success, placed in films over the years. Jonathan and I are having a great time collaborating on the film. It has tremendous potential.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Ed Hartman. Congratulations on the success with "Carol Of The Bells"! I just found the "Marimbells of Christmas" album on YouTube! :D

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