Screenwriting : Screenwriters Sign Option Agreement With Executive After Connecting On Stage 32 by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

Screenwriters Sign Option Agreement With Executive After Connecting On Stage 32

Tim Dwyer and Stephani Prescott signed an option agreement with Cindy Villareal (Majestic Productions) through Stage 32! Check out the blog and celebrate with them!

Emily J

So excited for you, Tim and Stephani!!!

Nick Waters

Congrats Tim and Stephani!

Sydney Summers


Jim Boston

Tim and Stephani, way to go! Congratulations...and all the VERY BEST to you both!

David Abrookin

Congratulations, Tim and Stephani! This is very exciting!

Dan MaxXx

Maurice, there is $ pay from executive to writers?

Maurice Vaughan

I'm not sure, Dan.

Brandi Self


Gen Vardo

Dan MaxXx Why are you always about the money these days dude? Are you loosing the love for it? Hope not.

Kiril Maksimoski

Yup, Dan's one edgy guy...but been studying his "philosophy" here and it got me a paid feature assignment...guess it's you either follow the money or get lost following dreams kinda bizz...

Gen Vardo

Where can I find this philosophy? I'd like to read up on it.

Dan Guardino

Gen. Dan M asked a legitimate question since the author said “my co-creator friend Stephani Prescott and I had just entered a 'development agreement' with Cindy Villareal.” I don't know but since there was a "development agreement" in place it doesn't sound like the writers were paid for the option. Again I think it was a legitimate question from Dan M.

Gen Vardo

Yeah I got that it was a question. Was just joking around.

Dan Guardino

Gen. I see.

Gen Vardo

Perhaps I should keep it serious from now on. Just finished writing a comedy, gets in your blood and bad jokes come out all over the place.

Dan Guardino

Gen. Don't worry about it.

Maurice Vaughan

Or you could put a :) :D or Haha with your comments to let people know you're joking, Gen.

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