Introduce Yourself : Hello fellow creators! by Richard Wilkinson

Hello fellow creators!

Richard Wilkinson here. I've danced around the fuller use of Stage32 but here I am. Retired a few years ago and attacked writing for film and bookshelves since that time. Like most of you here, I'm now on the ultimate quest of getting one of my stories to film (or at to a place where someone tells me what changes they'd like to see in my script!). I've posted some of my loglines/scripts here in case you're interested. I don't seem limited by certain genres. The stories in my head just need to get out! I've come a long way through use of consulting and coverages. I look forward to any chats/discussions you all might have regarding story telling. Cheers.

Ty Strange

Great that you've come out of the shadows here on Stage32, Richard Wilkinson! Always nice to meet a fellow Northern Californian. With your script portfolio and background, I'm sure you'll be a great addition to the screenwriting lounge discussions. Where are you at with regards to one of more of your scripts, final draft, pitching, etc?

Leonardo Ramirez

Hello Richard Wilkinson ! Glad you're with us. I checked out your loglines. "Hacking Fred" sounds super interesting!

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, Richard Wilkinson. "I'm a Koi hobbyist and spend time watching them swim gracefully in my dream pond. But even then, I’m imagining something to write about." Me too. It's like my brain is searching for ideas and thinking of scenes almost all the time. When I daydream, look at photos, watch videos/movies/shows, read things, etc. I've also been doing this thing lately where I get ideas from misreading things. It's strange but helpful. :)

Richard Wilkinson

Hey Ty and all...thank you for the welcome :) Ty, as far where I'm at - Spent the last three years chiseling away - formatting rules to story arch to "less is more" to "moment of incitement" lol....sound familiar? Recently I've gotten some "recommends" on more recent stories (Hacking Fred and Scrabble) so I think I'm in a good place writing wise. Pitching is an elusive challenge - from covering three acts to writing the pitch dramatically to "don't give it all away" to " don't bury the lead" lol. Getting some "yes please send" stuff but hey...really at a point where getting optioned is the goal. I've turned recently to entering some contests so we'll see how that plays out. If it weren't for other great writers like you it would be sooooo much easier ;)

Marcel Nault Jr.

Hey there, Richard!

I'll look at those loglines whenever I can.

E Aguirre, Jr.

The quest for the Hollywood buzz

Nick Waters

Great to connect and welcome to Stage 32

Sam Sokolow

Hi Richard - it’s great to meet you here in the community! I’m the Director of Education here at Stage 32. If I can ever recommend any of our education for you or be of any help on your Stage 32 journey please reach out to me directly at Also, here is a link to the Stage 32 education landing page so you can check out all of the webinars, classes and labs that are your fingertips as a community member:

Sydney Summers

Happy you're here!

GiGi Raines

Hey Richard! Happy to hear you've found your consultations and coverage helpful! Which project are you most focused on?

Niki H

Hey Richard, thanks for introducing yourself! Be sure to get active in the screenwriting lounge, there are always great conversations happening and awesome advice being given out.

Michelle Csitos

Send me your script

Richard Wilkinson

Hello Michelle - I've written a number of them. Loglines available. Please let me know if there is one you are interested in specifically. (not sure if you have to add me to your network for me to send you a script). cheers

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