Introduce Yourself : Introduce Yourself Weekend! by Sydney Summers

Sydney Summers

Introduce Yourself Weekend!

Hi, our creative community! I hope everyone had a wonderful week so far. I wanted to introduce myself to the community!

I am a Stage 32 education team member here and I currently live in Manhattan Beach, California!

As we fast approaching longer days and more time outside. What is something you love to do in the summer time?

Maurice Vaughan

Happy IYW, Sydney Summers! Thanks for all your hard work and support on Stage 32! I love to write during the summer time. :D And spend time with family. What do you love doing?

Ashley Renee Smith

Thank you for all that you do, Sydney Summers! It doesn't go unnoticed.

I love to go swimming as much as I can during the summer.

Francisco Castro

I used to ride my beach cruiser from El Segundo to the Santa Monica Pier on Saturdays. I miss those summer days.

Geoff Hall

Sydney Summers Hi Sydney, well, like today, I got to spend most of the day bug hunting in the garden with my two grandsons. It was a fabulous time.

Ashley Renee Smith

Thats so fun, Geoff Hall!

Sam Rivera

Thank you for all that you do here at Stage 32! Sydney Summers

Geoff Hall

Ashley Renee Smith thank you Ashley. It certainly was!

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