Mariana Convery

Mariana Convery


Beverly Hills, Florida

Member Since:
November 2022
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Mariana

Hi there! I’m M.C. Convery.
Professionally, I’m a writer, editor, teacher, tutor, and certified meditation teacher. I hold a Master’s in English with a concentration in screenwriting, a B.A. in English/creative writing, and a certification to teach meditation. I’ve been a freelance author, ghostwriter, editor, tutor, and teacher.
I’m the author of the children’s book Alex and the Attack of the Brain People.

My family friendly/sci-fi-fantasy screenplay, Wi-fi Interrupted, was a semifinalist in the Creative Screenwriting Unique Voices and Creative World Awards Screenplay Competitions.

I have quite a few passions, but foremost, I love spending time with my three children. Then comes my other love, which is the art of story in all forms, whether short stories, novels, or film. I love stories that both teach and delight!

Beyond my love of writing, reading, listening to, and
viewing stories, there’s just something wonderful about helping others get their own voices heard by teaching structure and the elements of what truly makes good writing come alive!

And last, but definitely not least, meditation is a personal passion of mine.



  • La Piscina Inn

    La Piscina Inn Budget: $1M - $5M | Thriller Sci-fi A pool tech inherits an abandoned Florida inn and discovers that its spring-fed pool holds secrets to resurrection and eternal life that could save her dying mother but at a sinister price.

  • Madonna

    Madonna Budget: $0 - $100K | Historical Drama An '80s junior-high teen skips school and goes to the hospital to convince her dying great-grandmother to take back her last request to send her to Catholic high school. She learns instead about the violence and rape her Nanna endured for being Catholic.

  • Wi-fi Interrupted

    Wi-fi Interrupted Budget: $5M - $10M | Sci-fi Adventure After pulling a dangerous stunt aboard a cruise ship to gain internet fame, an outgoing high-school swimmer goes missing, and her reserved twin sister heads out into the Bermuda Triangle to find her.

  • Blue Dirt

    Blue Dirt Budget: $5M - $10M | Sci-fi Comedy Logline: Fed up with being denied adoption, a young, asexual woman leaves Earth to start a new life on another planet only to discover that her Pod partner is a macho survivalist disguised as a woman.


  • Semifinalist Creative Worlds Award


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