Claudette Walker's Reel

"Bubblegum Sun" Book-to Film

Bubblegum Sun is book -to-film feature film - young adult - coming-of-age - teen drama - with crossover appeal to baby–boomers. Think “Stand By Me” meets “Less Than Zero.”

Location, location, location . . . our perfect setting for our…

BUBBLEGUM SUN ~ book & screenplay Multiple small beach communities on the Great Lakes - 20 miles S. of Detroit. "Simply the most fluid and interesting take on 1967+… this is a must-read!" Amazon review “Ultimately, above all else, our generation believed the songs were for us – a private serenade to our youth, but alas, we learned . . . the lyrics lied.” - The Children of the 1960s Feral children coming-of-age navigate family, friends, race, love, and drugs as they find their...

Bubblegum Sun

“Ultimately, above all else, our generation believed the songs were for us – a private serenade to our youth, but alas, we learned . . . the lyrics lied.” - The Children of the 1960s "Bubblegum Sun" “Feral” children coming of age navigate family, friends, race, love, and drugs as they find their voices during the long, hot summer of 1967’s civil rights movement . . . This is "Bubblegum Sun" now available in book on Amazon ...

Audiobook Sample - The Casey Anthony Murder Trial

Now on Audible, iTunes and Amazon. Narrated by John Eastman. The most complete known readable/listenable transcript and more of witnesses, lawyers, jurors, j...

Audiobook - Voice Sample Segments - "C Street" - A Novel

Thriller Novel "C Street" - written by Claudette Walker - Narrated by actor/voice talent Richard Henzel. Put - Claudette Walker Books - in any search bar wor...

C Street Audiobook

The audiobook of “C Street” is now available on Audible (coming Amazon & iTunes) Whether you prefer books, eBooks, or audiobooks, please watch and listen to this Youtube video to hear a few of the voices created for the characters of C Street by our narrator Richard Henzel. The segments you will hear have been taken from throughout the book and combined to provide the listener with a taste of the whole story. We hope you enjoy this sampling of the audiobook. Thank you for listening....

Audiobook Sample 1 - "C Street," thriller novel by Claudette Walker

This is an early sample of one of the many voices created by narrator Richard Henzel for the novel C Street, by Claudette Walker. Now available in book, ebook and COMING in a few weeks in audiobook. Visit for more. "C Street has it all, and done in a way you’ll be looking over your shoulder when reading this extraordinarily entertaining book." Pacific Book Review

Every book has a voice all its own...

The audiobook industry is providing new avenues for actors. Audiobook: "The Casey Anthony Murder Trial" This is most complete known audio/readable trial transcript of a mother tried for the murder of her child. It is now available in 22 hours of real-time courtroom action with commentary. The audio book is read by the renowned John Eastman, who has over 30 years of broadcasting experience. It provides a thorough examination of the American legal system’s handling of a high profile murder...

C Street now in book, screenplay & TV series treatment - Contact…

"Chilling, exhaustively researched, and slyly humorous, Claudette Walker's "C Street" is a well-painted and entertaining spy service portrait that strikes all too close to the realities of corrupt governance in America. The corrupt government agents are painted real as the world and with twice the size ego, the settings are vivid, and the heroine is a sympathetic, tragic, intensely human figure." Read reviews and comments at...

C Street

"Capturing and holding hostage the reader... C Street has it all, and done in a way you'll be looking over your shoulder when reading this extraordinarily entertaining book... Reveling new and fascinating methods of how our history has been manipulated by those in power... Walker masterfully develops and sustains an intelligent level of suspense throughout her novel ... The secret methods of falsifying responsibilities within the back operations of government intelligence organizations in C...

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